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Simulation of the spalling phenomena at the $"A$sp$"o$ Pillar Stability Experiment by the coupled T-H-M analysis using the damage model

$"A$sp$"o$ Pillar Stability Experimentにおける剥離現象の損傷モデルを用いた熱-水-応力連成解析による解析評価

千々松 正和*; 小山 倫史*; 小林 晃*; 清水 浩之*; 中間 茂雄 

Chijimatsu, Masakazu*; Koyama, Tomofumi*; Kobayashi, Akira*; Shimizu, Hiroyuki*; Nakama, Shigeo

国際共同研究DECOVALEX-2011では、$"A$sp$"o$ Pillar Stability Experimentの解析評価が実施された。試験坑道に2本の試験孔が掘削され、Pillarとは2本の試験孔に挟まれた幅1.0m程度の部分のことである。解析は損傷力学モデルを組み込んだ熱-水-応力連成解析コードを用いて実施した。損傷力学モデルに必要な損傷パラメータはSKBにより実施された一軸圧縮強度試験より設定した。この損傷パラメータを用いて解析を実施したところ、損傷は発生しなかった。これは、一軸圧縮強度試験は岩石コアを用いて実施されており、実際の岩盤の強度は岩石コアの強度より劣っているためであると考えられる。そこで、損傷パラメータのキャリブレーションを実施した。キャリブレーションにより得られた損傷パラメータを用いて解析を行ったところ、解析結果は測定結果を良く再現できた。掘削時に損傷の発生が生じており、発生した損傷領域と観察された剥離領域とは整合している。以上より、適切なパラメータを用いることにより有限要素法を用いた連続体モデルでも実際に観測された剥離現象をある程度は再現できることがわかった。

The experiment was performed at the $"A$sp$"o$ Hard Rock Laboratory facility owned by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. For the experiment an oval shape tunnel was excavated in which two large holes, $$phi$$ 1.75 m and depth 6.5 m, were excavated. The holes were placed so that a 1 m wide vertical pillar was created between them. The pillar volume was then heated to increase the tangential stress so that yielding could propagate along the borehole wall. Analysis of the coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical processes is carried out with the computer code named THAMES. In order to evaluate the spalling phenomena, the damage model was included in the computer code. In the damage mechanics, the change in mechanical behavior due to the growth of damage (cracks) in material is considered. The parameters of this damage model were determined by the unconfined compression test. When the parameters determined by laboratory test were used, the damage did not occur. This is because the parameters were determined from the experiment of the rock core, and it is thought that the parameter of actual bedrock is inferior to that of the rock core. Therefore, the calibration of the damage parameters was performed. When the calibrated parameters were used, simulation results agree qualitatively well with the experimental results. During the simulation of excavation, generating of damage is seen to similar to the observation by the in-situ experiment. Furthermore, temperature change during heating after the excavation of borehole also shows the good agreement between the measured and simulated results. Therefore, it can be said that the spalling phenomenon is expressible even by the application with the continuum model by the use of the suitable parameters.



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