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Beam diagnostics in the J-PARC linac for ACS upgrade


三浦 昭彦 ; 佐藤 進  ; 富澤 哲男 ; 五十嵐 前衛*; 宮尾 智章*; 池上 雅紀*; 外山 毅*

Miura, Akihiko; Sato, Susumu; Tomisawa, Tetsuo; Igarashi, Zenei*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Ikegami, Masanori*; Toyama, Takeshi*


J-PARC had developed the beam diagnostic devices for the present J-PARC linac and has used them since the operation start. J-PARC linac began the energy upgrade project since 2009 and 21 ACS cavities will be installed. Because the beam parameters are updated due to the project, new beam diagnostic devices are additionally fabricated and the diagnostic devices at the downstream part where the beam energy will be increased up to 400 MeV by ACS cavities should be developed. In this paper, we introduce the development of the beam diagnostic devices for the project and the new developing devices.



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