Proposed method of the modeling and simulation of corrosion product behavior in the primary cooling system of fast breeder reactors
松尾 陽一郎; 宮原 信哉
; 泉 佳伸*
Matsuo, Yoichiro; Miyahara, Shinya; Izumi, Yoshinobu*
In order to establish the techniques of radiation dose estimation for worker in radiation-controlled area, PSYCHE code has been developed. The PSYCHE is based on the Solution-Precipitation model. The CP transfer calculation using the Solution-Precipitation model needs a fitting factor for the calculation of the precipitation of CP. In this study, in addition to existing Solution-Precipitation model in PSYCHE, a transfer-model of CP species in particle form was applied to calculations of CP behavior in the primary cooling system of fast breeder reactor MONJU. Based on the calculated results, we estimated the contribution of CP deposition in the particle-form. It was suggested that the improved model including transfer-model of CP species in particle-form could be used for evaluation of CP transfer and radiation-source distribution in place of conventional Solution-Precipitation model with fitting factor in the PSYCHE.