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Report No.

Effects of ionizing radiation on pharyngeal pumping in ${it Caenorhabditis elegans}$

Suzuki, Michiyo; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Hattori, Yuya; Tsuji, Toshio*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

We examined the radiation effects on pumping motion (chewing and swallowing) by pharyngeal muscles in ${it Caenorhabditis elegans}$, and found that irradiated animals could be classified into 2 groups. One group stopped pumping immediately after irradiation and the other showed normal pumping activity. This tendency of the 2 groups was distinctly different from that of locomotion using body-wall muscles, wherein the motility of the irradiated animals decreased uniformly in a normal distribution wholly in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the pumping activity was completely restored up to the level of the non-irradiated animals within 2 h, and the restoration level was higher than that in locomotion. Our findings indicate that whole body irradiation reduced the pumping and locomotion and both movements were restored within several hours, although there was an obvious difference in the aspect of the reduction between pumping and locomotion.



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