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f electron nature in the impurity state of Ce$$_x$$La$$_{1-x}$$Ru$$_2$$Si$$_2$$

松本 裕司

Matsumoto, Yuji


CeRu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ is a paramagnetic heavy fermion compound with the electronic specific heat coefficient $$gamma$$ of 350 mJ / mol K$$^2$$. The Kondo temperature of the dilute sample with Ce concentration = 0.02 is about 1 K. We have successfully observed all the dHvA oscillations in the dilute Ce concentration samples with fields in the (001) plane. Moreover, we have observed the variation of the dHvA oscillations with temperature crossing the Kondo temperature. The present observation implies that the f electron state changes continuously from localized to itinerant with decreasing temperature from above to below the Kondo temperature.



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