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Report No.

Migration of atmospherically derived radionuclides in river systems; Findings from researches related to the Chernobyl accidents and nuclear weapon tests

Matsunaga, Takeshi; Tkachenko, Y.*

Features of radionuclides migration behavior in river systems have been summarized. Referred researches are those related to the global fallout due to weapon tests and the fallout due the Chernobyl accident. This summary aims to serve to provide basic findings on an occasion of the Fukushima nuclear accident. Migration of radionuclides in river systems is a persistent process including various time scale events. Differences by radionuclides appear clearly in their input fractions from the ground, and also in their long-range transport. For river systems' contamination, it is considered that countermeasures at stages of water treatment and aquatic food intake. Several decision support systems, which compare effectiveness and adverse effects of various countermeasures, must be very useful to examine that applicability comprehensively.



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