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チェルノブイリの環境調査事例; チェルノブイリ事故起因放射性核種による水系汚染と対策

Radiological survey in the area affected by the Chernobyl accident

松永 武

Matsunaga, Takeshi


The presentation summarizes environmental behavior of radionuclides released by the Chernobyl accident, with an emphasis on a linkage between the soil and the aquatic environment concerning radionuclide migration. Important radiological lessons from the accident are as follows. Concerning physical and chemical behavior of radionuclides, pre-existing findings have been confirmed. This was accomplished by comparison of different radionuclides behavior, and observation of temporal change in that behavior. By using the accident derived radionuclides as markers, ecological study such as interrelationship in lake environment has been promoted. In relation to the Fukushima accident, the Chernobyl accident has provided a keen necessity to execute multi-aspect analyses of every possible countermeasures before implementation. This action can be benefited by use of decision support systems, which have been developed in Europe since the Chernobyl accident.



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