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Report No.

Radiation-induced turbidity in a polymer gel dosimeter based on a hydrogel of a cellulose derivative, HPC

Yamashita, Shinichi; Hiroki, Akihiro; Nagasawa, Naotsugu; Taguchi, Mitsumasa

We have developed a less toxic and environment-friendly polymer gel dosimeter by employing radiation-crosslinked hydroxypropylcellulose hydrogel. It was found that this dosimeter becomes white and cloud-like state after $$gamma$$-irradiation of dose clinically used in cancer therapy. Quantitative evaluation of this white cloudiness, the haze and the absorbance were measured. The increases of the haze and absorbance were different for different composition of solute monomer and crosslinker which are permeated into gel matrix to detect radiation. In conclusion, it can be possible to control the sensitivity of our gel dosimeter by controlling the composition.



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