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福島原発事故収束に向けたバックエンド領域の取り組み(実践編); 汚染水処理にかかわる学会有志チームの取り組み

AESJ volunteers' activities on radionuclide adsorption database for treatment of contaminated water in Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant

山岸 功 

Yamagishi, Isao


In Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant large amount of contaminated water has been generated to cool damaged reactor cores. Seawater used for the cooling is obstruction to removal of radioactive nuclides from the contaminated water. The AESJ volunteer team had prepared the radionuclide adsorption database, "Contaminated Liquid Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi NPS (CLWT)" and released on 15 April 2011. The database available on the AESJ-NUCE website stores more than 600 experimental adsorption ratios of cesium, strontium and iodine with zeolite and charcoal, etc. The volunteer team was initiated on 22 March with AESJ members of Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kyoto University, Kyushu University and Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The team has worked in cooperation with HITACHI, Toshiba Corporation and Organo Corporation as well as adsorbent manufacturers. The exhaustive database was prepared in one month after the nuclear accident.



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