※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Ultra-small-angle polarized neutron scattering spectrometer SANS-J-II

能田 洋平; 菊地 亮二; 山口 大輔; 小泉 智

Noda, Yohei; Kikuchi, Ryoji; Yamaguchi, Daisuke; Koizumi, Satoshi


By use of ultra-small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer (SANS-J-II), we can study polymer and magnetic materials with focusing its hierarchical structure and dynamics properties in the length scale from nanometer to micrometer. This technique is powerful on structural analysis of softmaterials and biological materials, including water. In this sense, it is expected as a tool to observe living things as it is alive. In this presentation, the up-to-date information concerning SANS-J-II, such as the accessories for setting sample environments or a typical process for measurement and analysis, will be introduced.



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