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Report No.

Research of flaw assessment method for beryllium reflector elements

Shibata, Akira ; Ito, Masayasu ; Takemoto, Noriyuki ; Nakatsuka, Masafumi*; Ohara, Hiroshi*; Kodama, Mitsuhiro*; Tanimoto, Masataka ; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko 

Reflector elements made from metal beryllium is widely used as neutron reflectors to increase neutron flux in test reactors. When beryllium reflector elements are irradiated by neutron, bending of reflector elements caused by swelling occurs, and beryllium reflector elements must be replaced in several years. In this report, investigation for non-destructive inspection method of metal Beryllium and experiments for Preliminary inspection to establish post irradiation examination method for research of characteristics of metal beryllium under neutron irradiation were reported.



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