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 年 ~ 

Tritium recovery online experiment for Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebble blanket under DT neutron irradiation


落合 謙太郎; 河村 繕範; 星野 毅; 岩井 保則; 小林 和容; 近藤 恵太郎*; 中道 勝; 今野 力  

Ochiai, Kentaro; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Hoshino, Tsuyoshi; Iwai, Yasunori; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Kondo, Keitaro*; Nakamichi, Masaru; Konno, Chikara


Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebble is a most leading candidate material as a Japanese blanket of fusion reactor and then Japanese test blanket with Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebble will be tested in ITER activity. In order to recover the tritium produced in Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebble, we need to acquire the characteristics of tritium recovery. We have carried out DT neutron irradiation examinations for the tritium recovery examination with a Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebble assembly at JAEA-FNS and investigated the tritium recovery ratio from tritium recovery rate and tritium production rate. In order to acquire the advanced characteristics (HTO and HT separation analysis and time dependency), we have performed a tritium recovery online examination with DT neutron. It was found from the examination that most recovered tritium was from HTO and the time response was quick. It was indicated from the tendency that the phenomena was due to the water vapor in the sweep gas.



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