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Cluster dynamics modeling of the microstructural evolution of irradiated materials

阿部 陽介  ; 實川 資朗; 塚田 隆 

Abe, Yosuke; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Tsukada, Takashi


In the present study, one-dimensional (1D) motion of SIA-clusters was modeled in the framework of production bias model because the 1D motion of SIA clusters is known to greatly affect the microstructural evolution in irradiated materials. The trapping effect of 1D migrating SIA clusters by impurity-vacancy clusters was also taken into account to model the detailed underlying physical process which can take place at relatively low temperature in real materials. This model has no fitting procedures that are often applied in previous studies to reproduce experimental data. It was shown that the developed model with the impurity concentration of 10-100 appm, that is the same order as experimental one, can accurately reproduce experimental data, suggesting that the agglomeration and growth processes of point-defect clusters and the underlying mechanism of microstructural evolution are well described in this model.



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