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Report No.

Potential implications of the accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Teraoka, Nobuaki

I will make a presentation of the reasons and the progression of the accident of the Fukushima NPP as well as the influence to the public in the first place. Some of unimagined events were underestimate of tsunami, long-term station blackout, equipments damaged by the tsunami, management of nuclear spent fuel, hydrogen explosion outside the containment vessel, sever accident management etc. The potential implimentations are a huge amount of compensate, implementation of the stress test, shutdown of all NPP, shortage of electricity, revision of nuclear fuel cycle etc. to be discussed. Immerging measures of physical protection at NPP are physical protection of damaged fuel, internal threats, cyber terrorism etc. We need to ensure the synergy effect of safety, security and nonproliferation. Finally, I will introduce the activities of JAEA and DSTNM.



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