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 年 ~ 

Visualization of dynamic 3-D water behavior in polymer electrolyte fuel cell by using neutron image intensifier


竹中 信幸*; 浅野 等*; 杉本 勝美*; 村川 英樹*; 橋本 迪矩*; 進藤 徳高*; 持木 幸一*; 安田 良

Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Asano, Hitoshi*; Sugimoto, Katsumi*; Murakawa, Hideki*; Hashimoto, Michinori*; Shindo, Noritaka*; Mochiki, Koichi*; Yasuda, Ryo

Visualization of dynamic three-dimensional water behavior in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) stack was carried out by neutron CT using a neutron image intensifier. The neutron radiography system at JRR-3 in Japan Atomic Energy Agency was used. An operating stack with three cells based on Japan Automobile Research Institute standard was visualized. A consecutive CT reconstruction method by rotating the fuel stack continuously was developed using a neutron image intensifier and a C-MOS high speed video camera. The dynamic water behavior in channels in the operating PEFC stack was clearly visualized in 15 s intervals by the present dynamic neutron CT system.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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