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 年 ~ 

Principle of an in-situ relative calibration method using a double-pass beam for Thomson scattering diagnostics


東條 寛; 波多江 仰紀; 伊丹 潔

Tojo, Hiroshi; Hatae, Takaki; Itami, Kiyoshi

This paper presents detailed principles of an in-situ relative calibration method that determine electron temperature ($$T_{rm e}$$) without using optical relative transmissivity and then provide the optical relative transmissivity. The method requires a double-pass scattering system and signal ratio between the two signals from the forward and back scattering in each spectral channel. Statistical simulation results indicates the method suppress a systematic error in $$T_{rm e}$$ without considering chromatic degradation in optical components due to radiation effect. In this new method, scattering angle ($$theta$$) and $$T_{rm e}$$ are important parameters to evaluate the feasibility. It is found that the method is useful in a range of $$theta > 105^{circ}$$ at $$T_{rm e}$$=10 keV. The statistical error tends to decrease in high $$T_{rm e}$$ measurements regime.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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