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Report No.

Comparison of JSFR design with EDF requirements for future SFR

Uematsu, Mari Mariannu; Pr$`e$le, G.*; Mariteau, P.*; Sauvage, J.-F.*; Hayafune, Hiroki; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  

EDF and JAEA have signed a bilateral agreement for research and development cooperation and information exchange on future sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR) since 2008. Within the bilateral framework, a comparison of Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) design with future French SFR concept has been done based on the requirement of EDF, the investor-operator of future French SFR, and the French safety baseline, under the framework of EDF-JAEA bilateral agreement of research and development cooperation on future SFR. The specific designs of JSFR were evaluated as interesting from EDF point of view. The comparison work pointed out the differences in safety baselines between two countries as well.



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