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Magnetic chirality and electric polarization in $$R$$Mn$$_2$$O$$_5$$

Wakimoto, Shuichi  ; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Fukunaga, Mamoru*; Sakamoto, Yuma*; Noda, Yukio*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

$$R$$Mn$$_2$$O$$_5$$ is a multiferroic compound in which ferroelectricity is driven by magnetism. So far two models have been proposed to explain spin-driven ferroelectriciry in this compound, $$S times S$$ and $$S cdot S$$ models. By detailed investigation of magnetic chirality by polarized neutron diffraction, we have succeeded to distinguish these two contributions to the ferroelectric polarization. We conclude that the $$S cdot S$$ mechanism is dominant in the commensurate phase and the $$S times S$$ mechanism is dominant in the low temperature incommensurate phase.



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