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 年 ~ 

Review on the seismic safety of JRR-3 according to the revised regulatory code on seismic design for nuclear reactors


小林 哲也 ; 荒木 正明; 大場 敏充 ; 鳥居 義也 ; 竹内 真樹*

Kobayashi, Tetsuya; Araki, Masaaki; Oba, Toshinobu; Torii, Yoshiya; Takeuchi, Masaki*

JRR-3 (Japan Research Reactor No.3) was built as the first domestic reactor in 1962. The large-scale modification including the removal and re-installation of the core was carried out from 1985 to 1990. The modified JRR-3 with the thermal power of 20 MW is a light water moderated and cooled, swimming pool type research reactor. After the modification, JRR-3 has been operated without major troubles. This paper presents about review on the seismic safety of JRR-3 according to the revised regulatory code on seismic design for nuclear reactors. In addition, some topics concerning damages in JRR-3 due to the Great East Japan Earthquake are presented.



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