※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

余裕深度処分の安全評価にかかわるパラメータの検討; トンネル掘進速度及び盛土造成における客土厚

Study of parameters for safety assessment of sub-surface disposal; Tunnel-excavating speed and thickness of additional soil in residential land development by filling

石戸谷 公英; 菅谷 敏克; 船橋 英之 

Ishitoya, Kimihide; Sugaya, Toshikatsu; Funabashi, Hideyuki


Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan (NSC) issued "Policy of the Safety Assessment of Sub-surface Disposal after the Period for Active Control" (April 1, 2010). Then, we investigated the parameters for dose assessment in tunnel excavation scenario and large-scale land use scenario which were described in the "Policy of the Safety Assessment", in order to perform the assessment based on actual conditions. To be concrete, we investigated the tunnel excavating speeds in Japan for the former scenario, and investigated technical standards of the filling for the latter scenario. We studied the realistic parameters for the dose assessment with the results of those investigations.



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