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Development of neutron spectrum measurement in high $$gamma$$ field using new nuclear emulsion, 2; Recognition algorithm for recoiled proton track based on three dimensional analysis of the novel nuclear emulsion

Takagi, Keisuke*; Ishihara, Kohei*; Tomita, Hideki*; Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Iguchi, Tetsuo*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Matsumoto, Tetsuro*

In the novel nuclear emulsion development to measurement a neutron spectrum in high $$gamma$$-ray field, in order to control $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity, the ArBr grains of about 100 nm of particle diameter is used. The recoil proton track induced by neutron is recorded on nuclear emulsion. The track constituted by a silver grains child standing in a row discretely is recorded. The track extraction algorithm suitable for extraction of recoil proton was developed, and the characteristic was evaluated.



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