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Report No.

The Possibility of fungicide tolerant mutation of entomopathogenic fungi induced by quantum beams

Shinohara, Shinobu*; Sato, Katsuya; Narumi, Issei; Tagami, Yosuke*; Saito, Tsutomu*

Entomopathogenic fungi, ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$ and ${it Beauveria bassianai}$, are important agents to control insect pests, but the fungi are highly susceptible to conventional fungicides for plant diseases. The purpose of this study is to generate mutants tolerant to fungicides (benomyl and triflumizole) using quantum beams ($$gamma$$ rays and carbon ion beams). Eighteen fungicide-tolerant mutants were selected on the medium supplemented by fungicides (1,000 ppm for benomyl and 150 ppm for trifulmizole). In 5 mutants, fungicide tolerant level, crossing relation with other fungicide and pathogenicity against host insects were investigated. As a result, the mutants that have the minimum inhibitory concentration for benomyl of approximately 5 times were successfully obtained, and yet these were maintained the pathogenicity.



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