※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

高速炉蒸気発生器における伝熱管破損事象に関する研究,13; 気体噴流の可視化実験ナトリウム冷却高速炉 Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR)

Study on sodium-water reaction phenomena in steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor, 13; Visualization experiment of gas jet

名古 宏平*; 小泉 安郎*; 内堀 昭寛 ; 大島 宏之

Nago, Kohei*; Koizumi, Yasuo*; Uchibori, Akihiro; Ohshima, Hiroyuki


Under a tube failure accident in a steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactors, a reacting jet may cause wastage on the adjacent tube due to liquid droplet impingement erosion. In this study, the visualization experiment on an air jet into a water pool was conducted to clarify a phenomenon about liquid droplet entrainment from a gas-liquid interface, which is a cause of liquid droplet impingement erosion. The high-pressure air was injected into the water pool in the rectangular vessel made with acrylic plates. The behavior of the air jet was observed by the high-speed camera. It was demonstrated that the droplet diameter decreased with increasing the inlet velocity of the air and the droplet incidence rate increased with increasing the inlet velocity.



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