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 年 ~ 

High sensitive and reliable FFDL technique for Monju using laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry


青山 卓史 ; 石川 高史 ; 伊藤 主税   ; 岩田 圭弘   ; 原野 英樹*

Aoyama, Takafumi; Ishikawa, Takashi; Ito, Chikara; Iwata, Yoshihiro; Harano, Hideki*


We studied the failed fuel detection and location (FFDL) system by means of laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS). The applicability of the RIMS system for Monju and its installation were investigated in this study. It was found that the RIMS is able to identify the neighboring tag gas which is used for Monju with the 68% reliability. The newly designed RIMS system can be accommodated in the present facility and can be connected to primary cover gas lines without affects to the current FFDL function of the conventional system.



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