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Report No.

Fabrication study of new irradiation facility for $$^{99}$$Mo production in JMTR

Takita, Kenji ; Iimura, Koichi ; Tomita, Kenji; Endo, Yasuichi; Kanno, Masaru

At JAEA Oarai Research and Developnment Establishment (JAEA Oarai), JAEA Oarai was proceeding a plan to repair JMTR, which is to re-operate in fiscal 2012. Additionally, as an effective utilizati of JMTR, JAEA Oarai is planning to manufacture $$^{99}$$Mo, which is a parent nuclide of $$^{99}$$Tc. $$^{99m}$$Tc is most commonly used as a radiopharmaceution in the field of nuclear medicine. Currently $$^{99}$$Mo supply is dependent only on foreign imports, so JAEA is aiming for working on partially manufacturing $$^{99}$$Mo domestically with industrial circles in Japan. In this article, this report described the choice and fabric of irradiathion facility named Hydraulic Rabbit Facility for manufacturing $$^{99}$$Mo, the technical study of fabrication technique.



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