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Report No.

Elution properties of cesium contained within irradiated fast neutron reactor fuel in water and diluted nitric acid solution

Nakahara, Masaumi; Kaji, Naoya; Nomura, Kazunori  

In terms of preventing the formation of Pu and Cs compound, Cs in the feed solution should decrease in the U crystallization process. In order to separate Cs contained within irradiated nuclear fuel, the immersion experiments were carried out with the pure water and diluted HNO$$_{3}$$ solution. The elusion ratio of Cs within the powdered fuel in the pure water and 0.1 mol/dm$$^{3}$$ HNO$$_{3}$$ solution after 67 h was 33.8 and 38.3%, respectively. The experimental results suggest a possible beneficial effect of Cs elusion by immersion of the powdered fuel in the pure water and diluted HNO$$_{3}$$ solution before the fuel dissolution process.



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