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 年 ~ 


Refurbishment of JMTR pure water facility

浅野 典一; 花川 裕規 ; 楠 秀彦 ; 佐藤 信一

Asano, Norikazu; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Kusunoki, Hidehiko; Sato, Shinichi


In the refurbishment of JMTR, facilities were classified into which (1) were all updated, (2) were partly updated, and (3) were continuance used by the considerations of the maintenance history, the change parts availability and the latest technology. The JMTR pure water facility was classified into all updated facility based on the consideration. The Update construction was conducted in between FY2007 and FY2008. The refurbishment of JMTR pure water facility is summarized in this report.



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