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Electrochemical characteristics of layered Li$$_{1.95}$$Mn$$_{0.9}$$Co$$_{0.15}$$O$$_{3}$$ (${it C}$2/${it m}$) as a lithium-battery cathode

Ozawa, Kiyoshi*; Nakao, Yasuhiro*; Mochiku, Takashi*; Cheng, Z.*; Wang, L.*; Iwai, Hideo*; Tsuchiya, Yoshinori*; Fujii, Hiroki*; Igawa, Naoki   

A manganese-based solid solution with the composition of Li$$_{1.95}$$Mn$$_{0.9}$$Co$$_{0.15}$$O$$_{3}$$ was synthesized by a simplified coprecipitation method, and its electrochemical characteristics as a lithium-battery cathode were investigated. Rietveld refinement based on neutron diffraction data revealed that the material is assigned to an Li$$_{2}$$MnO$$_{3}$$-type structure model with a space group symmetry of ${it C}$2/${it m}$. In cycling of the cell in the potential range from 2.0 to 4.8 V at current densities of 30 mAhg$$^{-1}$$, the discharge capacity characteristically increases from 46.3 to 196.5 mAhg$$^{-1}$$ as the cycle increases from 1 to 11, and a discharge capacity above 175.5 mAhg$$^{-1}$$ is obtained between the 23rd and 58th cycles. The cyclic voltammogram and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements showed that the manganese redox reaction is progressively activated during the first ten-odd cycles.



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