Development of remote controlled electron probe micro analyzer with crystal orientation analyzer
本田 順一; 松井 寛樹; 原田 晃男; 小畑 裕希; 冨田 健
Honda, Junichi; Matsui, Hiroki; Harada, Akio; Obata, Hiroki; Tomita, Takeshi
The advanced utilization of Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuel is progressed in Japan to save the power generating cost and the volume of nuclear wastes. The electric power companies have been continued the approach to extend the burnup and to rise up the thermal power of the commercial fuel. The government should be accumulating the detailed information of the newest technologies to make the regulations and guidelines for the safety of the advanced nuclear fuels. The remote controlled Electron Prove Micro Analyzer attached with crystal orientation analyzer (EPMA) has been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to evaluate the fuel behavior effected by the cladding microstructure under the accident condition. The device was modified to the airtight and earthquake resistant structure for the examination of high radioactive elements. This paper describes the specification of EPMA and the test results of the cold mock-up to confirm their performances and reliabilities.