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Report No.

Proton-proton phase shifts calculations in momentum space by a rigorous Coulomb treatment

Oryu, Shinsho*; Hiratsuka, Yasuhiro*; Nishinohara, Satoshi*; Chiba, Satoshi

We present a two-body calculation method for a rigorous treatment of Coulomb interaction in momentum ($$p$$-)space. The method is based on a modified Coulomb potential which is equivalent to the genuine Coulomb potential in configuration ($$r$$-)space. We also use the two-potential theory with the auxiliary potential. The calculated proton-proton phase shifts are in very good agreement with the experimental data for the states $$0 le ell le 2$$. The phase shifts for the $$3 le ell le 5$$ states are also calculated. Practical applications of our method in a few hadron problems are discussed.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Nuclear



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