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Report No.

A Comparative study on effect of continuous radon inhalation on several-time acute alcohol-induced oxidative damages of liver and brain in mouse

Kataoka, Takahiro*; Sakoda, Akihiro*   ; Yoshimoto, Masaaki*; Toyota, Teruaki*; Yamamoto, Yuki*; Ishimori, Yuu  ; Hanamoto, Katsumi*; Kawabe, Atsushi*; Mitsunobu, Fumihiro*; Yamaoka, Kiyonori*

We examined the effect of continuous radon inhalation on acute alcohol-induced oxidative damage of mouse liver and brain. Assay of antioxidative functions indicated that lipid peroxide levels in both the liver and brain of the alcohol-treated mice were significantly higher than those of the saline-treated mice. However, the lipid peroxide level in the liver, but not in the brain, of alcohol-treated mice was significantly decreased by radon inhalation whereas that in the brain of saline-treated mice, but not in the liver of saline-treated mice, was significantly increased by radon inhalation. These findings suggest that radon inhalation inhibits alcohol-induced oxidative damage of liver due to activation of antioxidative functions and that radon inhalation exert only a week effect on the brains in comparing with the livers. They further suggest that alcohol administration protects against oxidative damage of the brain that is induced by radon inhalation.



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