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Report No.

Inspection and repair techniques in the reactor vessel of the experimental fast reactor Joyo; Development of repair techniques for UCS replacement of Joyo

Takamatsu, Misao ; Kobayashi, Tetsuhiko; Nagai, Akinori

With the incident as an opportunity, repair techniques for upper core structure (UCS) replacement was developed in Joyo. Since UCS of Joyo was designed as an eternal structure and it has high radioactivity due to the irradiation for over 30 years, (1) Prevention of deformation during UCS jack-up and retrieval, (2) Reducing UCS cask weight were mainly discussed in this study as critical tasks. UCS replacement is scheduled in 2014. Achievement of UCS replacement and accumulated experience will be able to provide valuable insights for further improving and verifying repair techniques in SFRs.



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