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Report No.

Development status of data acquisition system for LIPAc

Takahashi, Hiroki  ; Kojima, Toshiyuki; Narita, Takahiro; Sakaki, Hironao; Komukai, Satoshi*

Control System for LIPAc realizes the remote control and monitoring and data acquisition by use of EPICS. For the validations of each subsystem performance and the activity of IFMIF Accelerator design, it is very important data obtained by commissioning of LIPAc and each subsystem. To certainly archive the important data for LIPAc and to efficiently search the LIPAc data, for design and validation, we started developing Data Acquisition System (DAC) based on Relational Database (RDB) has been developed. The first design for DAC of LIPAc is configured (1) using PostgreSQL for RDB and (2) several RDB for data archiving to ensure the data archive performance and to consider the increasing data amount. In addition, (3) only one RDB for data search is included in DAC and users can search the data via this RDB. In this way, several RDB for DAC can behave only one RDB against users. In this article, the development status of DAC for LIPAc is presented.



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