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Rehabilitation experiment by phytoremediation using lawn grass

福島技術本部 福島環境安全センター; 人形峠環境技術センター; 安全研究センター サイクル施設等安全研究ユニット; 地層処分研究開発部門 地層処分基盤研究開発ユニット; バックエンド推進部門

Fukushima Environmental Safety Center, Headquarters of Fukushima Partnership Operations; Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center; Fuel Cycle Safety Research Unit, Nuclear Safety Research Center; Geological Isolation Research Unit, Geological Isolation Research and Development Directorate; Nuclear Cycle Backend Directorate


Measures against environmental contamination by radioactive materials originated from the Fukushima nuclear accident (May, 2011), are being conducted in Fukushima and surrounding prefectures. Regarding to the measures, a phytoremediation experiment with several types of lawn grasses in a field scale have been carried out. Lawn grasses are generally characterized by shallow rizosphere, high density and root mat formation. Decontamination effectiveness of radioactive cesium by plant uptake and by sod removing was investigated. As a result, the range of decontamination factors by plant uptake was below than 1% because of low transfer rate form soil to plant. On the other hand, maximum decontamination factor by sod removing reached about 100%. Decontamination activities with various methods will be implemented according to the national decontamination policy and related plans in each municipality. The phytoremediation method with lawn grass would be applicable in limited circumstances.



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