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Report No.

Operation of electrostatic accelerators

Uno, Sadanori; Chiba, Atsuya; Yamada, Keisuke; Yokoyama, Akihito; Saito, Yuichi; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Sato, Takahiro; Okubo, Takeru; Nara, Takayuki; Kitano, Toshihiko*; Takayama, Terumitsu*; Kanai, Shinji*; Orimo, Takao*; Aoki, Yuki*; Yamada, Naoto*

The three electrostatic accelerators at the TIARA had no mechanical damage when the Tohoku earthquake happened on March 11, 2011. But, they could not be operated during April, due to the influence of planned power outage by TEPCO. These accelerators additionally operated on Saturday for ten days in order to compensate for the lost experiment time. As a result, the yearly operation time had kept the same level as the ordinary one. The ion beam of erbium (Er) with 11.7MeV was accelerated newly by the tandem accelerator, whose intensity was 20nA at charge state of 3+. The sequential generation/irradiation of two different kinds of fullerene ions was achieved at the ion implanter by a mixed powder method without exchange of the Freeman type ion source by the user's request.



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