※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Enhancement of microwave nondestructive testing method for the inspection of pipes by optimizing the microwave probe profile

佐々木 幸太*; 遊佐 訓孝*; 若井 隆純 ; 橋爪 秀利*

Sasaki, Kota*; Yusa, Noritaka*; Wakai, Takashi; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*


This study reports the development of a new microwave probe for the nondestructive testing of a pipe. Three-dimensional finite element simulations are carried out to optimize the profile of a microwave probe, whose results show that a probe with elliptic profile enables smaller reflection at the probes as well as much better single-mode propagation inside the pipe than conventional ones. Experimental validations are carried out using a straight brass pipe with an inner diameter of 39 mm and a total length of 2 m. The results of the experiments clearly demonstrate that the new microwave probe provides clearer signals due to simulated rectangular wall thinning.



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