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Report No.

Present status of the IFMIF/EVEDA prototype accelerator construction

Shidara, Hiroyuki; Matsumoto, Hiroshi; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Mosnir, A.*

The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities of the IFMIF are on-going and will deliver confirmations and knowledge required to start the construction. At the Rokkasho site in Japan, the prototype accelerator will be installed and commissioned. The prototype accelerator accelerates deuteron beam up to 9 MeV by the injector, the RFQ, and the first section of IFMIF SRF-Linac for realizing the IFMIF, an accelerator driven neutron source with the deuteron accelerator(s) of (2 $$times$$ 125) mA/40 MeV/CW/ over 160 hours continuous operation. The experimental activities at Rokkasho will be set out from 2013, starting with the injector installation. The entire experiment's starting is scheduled on 2016. The R&D is being collaboratively carried out by relating EU countries of France/CEA, Spain/Ciemat and Italy/INFN and Japan (JAEA), and their coordination and the project management are done by the project team. On this presentation, the progress and the present status of R&D by EU is focused.



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