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Report No.

Investigation on cause of malfunction of Wide Range Monitor (WRM) in High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR); Sample tests and destructive tests

Shinohara, Masanori ; Motegi, Toshihiro; Saito, Kenji ; Haga, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Shinji  ; Katsuyama, Kozo ; Takada, Kiyoshi*; Higashimura, Keisuke*; Fujii, Junichi*; Ukai, Takayuki*; Moriguchi, Yusuke*

An event, in which one of WRMs were disabled to detect the neutron flux in the reactor core, occurred during the period of reactor shut down of HTTR in March, 2010. The actual life time of WRM was unexpectedly shorter than the past developed life time. Investigation of the cause of the outage of WRM toward the recovery of the life time up to the past developed life is one of the issues to develop the technology basis of HTGR. Then, two experimental investigations were carried out to reveal the cause of the malfunction by specifying the damaged part causing the event in the WRM. One is an experiment using a mock-up sample test which strength degradation on assembly accuracy and heat cycle to specify the damaged part in the WRM. The other is a destructive test in FMF to specify the damaged part in the WRM. This report summarized the results of the destructive test and the experimental investigation using the mock-up to reveal the cause of malfunction of WRM.



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