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Report No.

Effect of $$gamma$$ ray irradiation on deoxygenation by hydrazine in artificial seawater

Motooka, Takafumi; Sato, Tomonori  ; Yamamoto, Masahiro 

At the spent nuclear fuel pools in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, hydrazine has been added to reduce dissolved oxygen in the pool water containing salts. The reduction behavior of dissolved oxygen in seawater with hydrazine in the presence of radiation is unknown. The effect of $$gamma$$ ray irradiation on deoxygenation by hydrazine in artificial seawater was investigated at room temperature. We placed the artificial seawater with small amount of hydrazine under $$gamma$$ ray irradiation at dose rates of 0.3 $$sim$$ 7.5 kGy/h. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the solutions was measured before and after the irradiation. The concentration of dissolved oxygen hardly decreased in the absence of $$gamma$$ radiation in a few hours, whereas the concentration of dissolved oxygen markedly decreased in the presence of $$gamma$$ radiation. The concentration of dissolved oxygen decreased with irradiation time. At this moment, hydrazine concentration was decreased more than twice the dissolved oxygen concentration. This shows that a part of $$gamma$$ radiolysis products of hydrazine act as deoxidizers. Dissolved oxygen in artificial seawater could be decreased by small addition of hydrazine in the presence of $$gamma$$ radiation at room temperature.



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