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 年 ~ 

Experimental study on thermal stratification in a reactor vessel of innovative sodium cooled fast reactor; Characteristics of stratification interface under natural circulation operation

ナトリウム冷却高速炉の温度成層化現象に関する実験研究; 自然循環条件での成層界面挙動

木村 暢之; 小野島 貴光; 上出 英樹 

Kimura, Nobuyuki; Onojima, Takamitsu; Kamide, Hideki


In the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, thermal stratification phenomena occur in the reactor vessel during scram transient. In the study, the characteristics of stratification interface were investigated under the natural circulation operation during the scram transient using the 1/11th scale upper plenum model. The experimental results showed that the temperature gradient under the natural circulation operation was reduced to 1/2.6-1/6.2 in comparison with that under the forced circulation operation.



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