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Report No.

Recent progress with the J-PARC RFQs

Kondo, Yasuhiro   ; Morishita, Takatoshi  ; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Kawamata, Hiroshi*; Sugimura, Takashi*; Naito, Fujio*

In this paper, we will report recent topics about J-PARC RFQs. First, the operating RFQ (RFQ I) have been recovered from the long shutdown due to the earthquake. This RFQ have been suffered from breakdown problem since 2008, therefore we have been developing a back-up RFQ (RFQ II). In April 2012, the high power test was successfully performed. It was confirmed to be able to stably operate at nominal power and duty factor (333 kW and 3%). Finally, we are fabricating a new RFQ for the beam-current upgrade of the J-PARC linac (RFQ III). The brazing of the first unit will be done in this September. The status of these RFQs are described.



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