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Seismic structural response estimates of a fault-structure system model with fine resolution using multiscale analysis with parallel simulation of seismic; Wave propagation


Quinay, P. E. B.*; 市村 強*; 堀 宗朗*; 西田 明美  ; 吉村 忍*

Quinay, P. E. B.*; Ichimura, Tsuyoshi*; Hori, Muneo*; Nishida, Akemi; Yoshimura, Shinobu*


We studied the seismic structural response of a fault-structure system using a large-scale, highfidelity model with multiscale analysis and parallel simulation. To reduce the computation cost of simulating seismic wave propagation (Ichimura and Hori, 2006), we extended the seismic wave propagation simulation tool to parallel computing which uses a distributed-memory computer. We developed a method for prepartitioning the three-dimensional model and performing the neighbor-independent submodel hybrid-grid meshing. We then verified and validated the extended simulation tool. Finally, we demonstrated its advantages for computing the dynamic responses of a fault-structure system model that includes a building structure of nuclear power plant, using a high fidelity model which is based on actual settings.



- Accesses




分野:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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