※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Performance guidelines in fast reactor for field test of FBG sensor system

島田 幸洋; 西村 昭彦  ; 鈴木 宏和*; 石橋 久義*

Shimada, Yukihiro; Nishimura, Akihiko; Suzuki, Hirokazu*; Ishibashi, Hisayoshi*


A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor with heat resistance was produced via a point microfabrication technique using a femtosecond pulse laser. The FBG sensor was reinforced by weaving with a carbon fiber tape. As a result, both high strength and a structure for mounting the sensor were readily incorporated. In a high-temperature tolerance evaluation of the FBG sensor, the temperature and strain were measured by the sensor at 600 degree C. Therefore, the sensor is effective, and in addition, the problems associated with mounting the sensor on high-temperature piping have been eliminated.



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