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 年 ~ 

Conceptual design of electricity and process heat cogeneration system for small-sized high temperature gas-cooled reactor


上地 優; 寺田 敦彦  ; 竹上 弘彰 ; 稲垣 嘉之

Kamiji, Yu; Terada, Atsuhiko; Takegami, Hiroaki; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting a conceptual design of electricity and process heat cogeneration system with a small-sized high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). In this paper, desalination plant was adopted as a heat utilization plant. Heat and mass balance, and thermal efficiency are obtained as a part of conceptual design by Microsoft Excel model for steady state heat and mass balance. Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) process was selected as a desalination method because of its reliability and operational simplicity. In the calculation, the process heat is supplied from third turbine extraction. This paper shows results of sensibility analysis for the small-sized HTGR cogeneration system for desalination. It was found that the impact of the heat distribution rate and extraction condition.



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