※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Advanced studies of hydrogen absorbing states using synchrotron radiation X-rays


町田 晃彦

Machida, Akihiko


Structural and electronic properties of hydrides and/or hydrogen storage materials have been investigated focusing on the interactions between hydrogen atoms and their surrounding atoms using synchrotron radiation (SR) X-rays at SPring-8, Japan. The SR X-rays become powerful and useful tools for studying the chemical and physical properties of hydrides and/or hydrogen storage materials. At SPring-8, the in-situ measurements apparatuses and systems have been developed and constructed to investigate the hydrogen absorbing/desorbing processes. For example, highly brilliant SR X-rays enable us to perform the time-resolved measurements with high time-resolution. Hence, high speed measurements on hydrogen absorbing and desorbing processes have been applied to X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption measurements. My talk will cover the latest results on the SR studies of the structural and electronic properties of hydrides mainly using in-situ measurement systems.



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