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Cost per severe accident as an index for severe accident consequence assessment and its applications


Silva, K.*; 石渡 祐樹*; 高原 省五  

Silva, K.*; Ishiwatari, Yuki*; Takahara, Shogo


The experiences of the Fukushima Accident and also the Chernobyl Accident point out the needs to integrate the assessments of health effects, economic, social and environmental impacts of severe accidents in nuclear power plants, in order to perform a comprehensive consequence assessment. The authors introduced the cost per severe accident as an index for that purpose. The index is calculated based on the systematic accident consequence assessment method which consists of level 2 and 3 probabilistic risk assessments. In the present study, the index was used to evaluate the consequences of severe accidents of a virtual boiling water reactor. The breakdown of the cost per severe accident was provided, and the decontamination cost accounted for the greatest proportion. As applications of the index, it was used to optimize the management levels of protective actions for the public, and to evaluate the consequence-reduction effects of accident management.



- Accesses




分野:Engineering, Industrial



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