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Report No.

A Sampling method of oriented small sample from fault cores for SEM observation

Shimada, Koji   ; Kametaka, Masao*; Nakayama, Kazuhiko ; Seshimo, Kazuyoshi ; Tanaka, Yoshihiro; Hayashi, Toshio*; Tanaka, Yukumo; Shimogama, Kota*; Okazaki, Kazuhiko*

Staples for a stapler can be used as a frame of a small oriented sample taken from fragile and scarce fault gouge. The fault gouge was slotted for staples of an insert. Staples are a group of about ten or less ones holding right-angled three small surfaces. Pre-oriented staples set the slot would remove then presented for the SEM observation. Only a knife, some glues and simple equipment are needed for the method in the field or laboratories.



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