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Re-analyses of the OECD/NEA burnup calculation benchmark Phase-IIIB for BWR fuel assembly

内田 有里子; 須山 賢也; 鹿島 陽夫; 外池 幸太郎 

Uchida, Yuriko; Suyama, Kenya; Kashima, Takao; Tonoike, Kotaro


It is necessary to evaluate isotopic composition of spent fuel for the criticality safety evaluation of the fuel damaged in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident, which demands to evaluate uncertainty of the burnup calculation code system. Analysis with the latest nuclear data library and code was conducted on the burnup calculation benchmark "Phase-IIIB" established by OECD/NEA in late '90s to grasp difference between the new and old calculation results. This presentation shows the re-analysis result of the Phase-IIIB with the Integrated Burnup Code System SWAT3.1 which drives the continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP and the combined point burnup calculation code ORIGEN2.



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