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Radiochemical studies of the heaviest elements at JAEA


永目 諭一郎 

Nagame, Yuichiro

Chemical studies of the heaviest elements in liquid-phase experiments at JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) are reviewed. From the systematic investigation of ion-exchange chromatographic behavior of element 104, rutherfordium (Rf), it has been found that the properties of Rf are quite similar to those of the group-4 homologues, Zr and Hf, in the formation of chloride, nitrate, and sulfate complexes, although there are some differences in complexation strength between Rf and the lighter homologues. On the contrary, fluoride complex formation of Rf is significantly different from that of the homologues. A new electrochemical approach to the heaviest elements has been successfully conducted by a flow electrolytic column chromatographic method; the oxidation state of element 102, nobelium (No), with single atoms can be controlled with the developed apparatus. Prospects for the future studies on chemical properties of the heaviest elements will be briefly considered.



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