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$$E_1/E_2$$ traps in 6H-SiC studied with Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy


小泉 淳*; Markevich, V. P.*; 岩本 直也; 佐々木 将*; 大島 武; 児島 一聡*; 木本 恒暢*; 内田 和男*; 野崎 眞次*; Hamilton, B.*; Peaker, A. R.*

Koizumi, Atsushi*; Markevich, V. P.*; Iwamoto, Naoya; Sasaki, Sho*; Oshima, Takeshi; Kojima, Kazutoshi*; Kimoto, Tsunenobu*; Uchida, Kazuo*; Nozaki, Shinji*; Hamilton, B.*; Peaker, A. R.*

Electrically active defects in $$n$$-type 6H-SiC diodes were investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and high-resolution Laplace DLTS. The commonly observed broadened DLTS peak which was previously ascribed to two traps referenced as $$E_1/E_2$$ has three components with activation energies for electron emission of 0.39, 0.43, and 0.44 eV. The defects associated with these emission signals have similar electronic structure, each possessing two energy levels with negative-$$U$$ ordering in the upper half of the 6H-SiC gap. The defects are related to a carbon vacancy at three non-equivalent lattice sites in 6H-SiC.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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